Leadership Columbia Class of 2020

John Bruton, Jr., Esq
Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd, P.A.
Stephanie Reely
American Cancer Society, Community Development Manager
Davis Baxley
Rogers Townsend LLC, Records Manager & Facilities Coordinator
Amanda Grover
Aflac, Sr. Philanthropy Coordinator
Nick Annan
Elliott Davis, LLC, Senior Manager
Bryant Davis
Richland County, Assistant Director of Community and Gov Services
Brooks Patterson
Beam & Hinge
Will Schenk
EngenuitySC, Team Lead
Megan Graham
Find Great People (FGP), General Manager
Kathleen Muthig
Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd, P.A., Special Counsel
John Metts
Wilson Kibler Commercial Real Estate, Brokerage Associate
Chad Bacote
Gilbane Building Company, Senior Project Manager
Chase Campolong
Landmark Builders, Manager of Business Development
Lisa Davis
South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control
Rikki Craven
Heathwood Hall Episcopal School
Karen Wilson
Nephron Pharmaceuticals
Gary Bethea
Bethea Family Dentistry
Vivian Martinez
The Jeffcoat Firm
Eleanor Boyd
Midlands Fatherhood Coalition, Regional Director of Development
Jarrett Dowling
Experience Columbia
Rhonda Sherman
Webster University - Columbia
Brad Davis
McCrory Construction, LLC, Vice President - Business Development
Braden Shockley
Trinity Partners - Cola, LLC
Sara Brown
South Carolina REALTORS
Trey Cauthen
Founders Federal Credit Union - Killian Crossing, Business Development Officer
Megan Thomas
Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of South Carolina
Marc Shook
University of South Carolina, Dean of Students
Tony Carimi
Synovus - Corporate, Private Wealth Advisor
Jennifer Bowen
Columbia Skin Clinic
Zachary Ogle
South Carolina Air National Guard
Luciana Areheart
TD Bank - Corporate
Heather Allison
Colonial Life
Melony Drye
Colonial Life
Kenneth Givens
Miller Valentine Construction, Project Manager
Stephanie Pfeiffer
BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina
Ambra Hiott
USC - Student Life
Ann Thomason
ERA Wilder Realty, Realtor
I am an active Realtor who is a  Certified Military Relocation Professional (MRP) and Seniors Real Estate Specialist (SRES). I also run my own spea...
Lisle Traywick
Robinson Gray Stepp & Laffitte, L.L.C.
Kelsey Carter
The Camp Cole Foundation
Suzanne Apgar
BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina
Pamela Griffin
BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina
Hunter Suggs
Marlena Harris
Palmetto GBA, Investigations Manager
Anne Marie Langley
South Carolina Education Lottery, Assistant Controller
Punam Patel
SC House Calls
Sara Middleton
LTC Hospitality Services
Caroline Smith
South Carolina State Library