Topic: Opportunities Flow from River Development $15 for Partners, $25 for Potential Partners
Wednesday May 8, 2024
Second Wednesday of each month at 7:30AM excluding July. Segra Park $15 Partner
Hilary Bell2024 - Breakfast Briefing - 5/8
Guest Speakers:
Kelly Barbrey, VP of Marketing & Communications, Experience Columbia
Mike Dawson, Chief Executive Officer, The River Alliance
Tommy Stringfellow, CEO, Riverbanks Zoo
Columbia’s riverfront area is a unique jewel for the Midlands. Development of the area helps to create new opportunities not only for local residents to enjoy the outdoors, but also opens new possibilities to help promote the Midlands area as being a destination location. The sustainable development of the river area is the goal of the River Alliance, Riverbanks Zoo and others. Panel members will discuss the role of their organizations as they work to help grow the region, while focusing on sustaining the rivers and natural resources.
If you are a Chamber Partner, but do not know your login, please reach out to Rebecca Spence.
The Columbia Chamber's Breakfast Briefing exists to provide a place where Columbia Chamber Partners can discuss and address local, regional, and federal issues facing the business community. Briefings are currently being held on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:30 AM. Briefings include a hot breakfast and networking. Partners $15 and Potential Partners $25.Event Sponsors
Date and Time
7:30 AM - 8:30 AM EDT
1640 Freed St.Fees/Admission
$25 Potential Partner
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